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by Ash León



It is best to consult a dermatologist and/or a licensed skin care professional before the introduction of any skincare product into your routine. The information shared in this post is not intended to treat, remedy, or diagnose any skin condition or concern. I, Ash Leon, am not a licensed professional, simply a well-researched wellness enthusiast.


If you choose not to seek professional consultation for any reason (lack of availability, financial hardship, lack of medical insurance, etc.), I would start using any product containing active ingredients once weekly for one month, twice weekly the next month, three times weekly the following, and so on. You may not need to increase the frequency of use to achieve your desired results.

Research! There’s value in knowing the ingredients you’re using, understanding their benefits and possible side effects, considering the testimonials and reviews of other consumers, and making informed purchases on thoroughly vetted products.

Listen to your body. You’re the one living, breathing, feeling, thinking, and acting in your body--work with it and for it! If something feels off, do not blindly take unlicensed advice and ignore it for the pursuit of perfect skin.

If it stings, if it burns, if it causes redness or any other type of irritation, stop using the product immediately. If you suddenly experience any of the aforementioned reactions after using a product for some time with little to no issue, reduce the frequency of use or stop use completely..

If introducing two (2) or more products containing active ingredients to your routine, it’s a best practice to use only one (1) product for the first month and gradually increase by one (1) product each month after.

Use your discretion. Always keep in mind that I’ve been using these products, many of which have active ingredients, for several years. That considered, understand that my skin / body has a higher “immunity” to their power, if you will. Introduce products with exfoliating properties taking baby steps.


Okay so very brief background and history on my skin (body.)

I was an extremely hyperactive, grossly inquisitive, treacherously fearless child growing up… turns out it was actually undiagnosed ADHD, lmfao, but that combo definitely makes a kid more prone to cuts, scrapes, tears, and God forbid, breaks. As early as 3 years old, I had incurred a reeeally nasty burn on the forefront of my hand as a result of pulling an iron off of an ironing board. Gag. To this day, though, it is fiiinally near faded, I can still see the faint, narrow two inch scar if I look hard enough.

Since then, my body’s canvas of watercolors, brushstrokes, splatter, harsh lines, and blots became more and more abstract. Although I began focusing on my skin’s health around 2013, my routines were hyper-focused on face care. I’ve always been fairly adamant about my body routines and products but I didn’t put forth the same level of effort researching ingredients and formulations or even optimizing the actual steps of my routine until 2016ish.

In paying close attention to my body over the years, I’ve observed that my skin is prone to scarring, blemishes, and hyperpigmentation, keratosis pilaris, and ingrown hairs. Like, fuck! Even with all that considered, my skin always looked good enough, to me, but I knew it could be healthier and more hydrated.

Below is a six year culmination of trial, error, and triumph in an ongoing personal research study, lol. While I am steadfast in using a few spotlight products, my body routine is ever changing because I am continuously learning how to improve the health of my skin. For now, the below routine is one that I can genuinely say has transformed my body in a way that really makes me take pride in my commitment to loving on me, totally.

All products are mentioned in order of my faves!


the routine


1 - PREP

To prepare my body for cleansing, I like to preliminarily remove any dead skin cells by exfoliating with O.R.G Mineral Peel Body or Alba Botanica Acnedote Maximum Strength Face & Body Scrub. As with my face care routine, it’s important to note that, if there’s not a need to exfoliate (i.e. skin sensitivity, pre-/post-wax, whatever, etc.,) I do not.

I first stumbled across the O.R.G Mineral Peel Body in one of @SymphaniSoto’s YouTube vlogs. I unfortunately can’t find it, but she was somewhere tropical! Anyway, she was using the product for sunburn on her forehead and the results sold me so, I ordered it for my damn self. From the first spritz of this on my face, I had fallen in love. Rarely, in skincare, am I amazed and dumbfounded by immediate, noticeable results but with the O.R.G Mineral Peel Body, I absolutely was. O.R.G has formulated a gentle exfoliator that does exactly as it promises. After spraying my entire face and letting it absorb for a moment or so, I rubbed the surface of my skin and was amazed at the little balls of dead skin that formed as I continued the circular rubbing motion. Prior to this moment, I had only experienced that type of instant “peeling” with less gentle acids and/or prescription acne medications, and even then, it took a few days for peeling to happen. Since then, I’ve used this spray consistently in my routine for face and body. It’s extreeemely gentle, I’ve never experienced any irritation, not even a little tingling sensation. I particularly enjoy using this before and after a brazilian wax, on my knees and elbows, underarms, and sometimes before and after shaving. Again, I’m not always reaching for this product, not even weekly or monthly sometimes. Some weeks I may use it a few times. I physically exfoliate everyday so I try to maintain a balance between the other exfoliating products and methods I may use.

Let’s get into a few of the spotlight ingredients that O.R.G feel is worth mentioning:

There are many noteworthy extracts such as grapefruit seed, mugwort, and angelica root. But from The Don, it’s the allantoin that is really that understated, standout ingredient. For some reason, I have a strong inkling that allantoin will be a fad ingredient (for marketing purposes) in a similar way coconut oil, hyaluronic acid, and rose water was or has been. The reason being is that it’s a fairly affordable, non-volatile ingredient that does what the fuck it ‘posed to do and more every time. I’m giving allantoin her moment now because I’ll talk about it again later in this post but here are a few of its benefits, According to Byrdie:
- Moisturizes
- Soothes skin
- Improves skin-healing
- Exfoliates
- Hydrates
- Improves dullness
- Smoothes skin
- Rejuvenates skin cells
Before getting in the shower, I spray this all over my body. I let it absorb for a moment. Then, I get in the shower. The reason I do this is because the lil dead skin beads will simply wash away as I continue my routine in the shower versus them being on my bathroom floor, ew!

I first purchased this scrub for my face years back, before we knew scrubs were bad. I had actually never liked scrubs or reached for them for my face because I didn’t like how they felt but I think I was struggling with hormonal acne on my chin and I was unraveling. Upon purchasing, I hadn’t used it on my face long, again, because I just never liked face scrubs and that beady feeling. I did stick to it for my body though!

I like using this occasionally, in the shower, before cleansing, or shaving–3x weekly maybe. It’s a really phenomenal 2% salicylic acid scrub. It’s plant-based, 100% vegetarian, cruelty-free, with no harsh ingredients or colors. The scrub preps my skin for hair removal by gently exfoliating away dead skin but it also targets body acne and blemishes with the 2% SA. I actually really do love this product a lot and didn’t even realize it until I began typing this, lol. For now, it’s the only scrub I’m loyal to.



To kick off my in-shower routine, I use either of the following exfoliating gloves or mitt to cleanse my body:

Coarseness – 4.5/10
Functionality – 9/10
Quality – 10/10
Design – 8.5/10
Value – 8/10

The Tawess Beauty Hammam Kessa Exfoliating Glove is definitely my favorite exfoliating glove of the brands that I keep in rotation. Many women of color will likely be unfamiliar with hammam kessa gloves (as was I, before delving deeper into my research), but, to my knowledge, they’re often used for the removal of dead skin before spray tanning and/or to remove the actual spray tan. As it turns out, hammam kessa gloves are also great for overall body exfoliation.

I love these gloves in particular because the coarseness is a silent assassin. I know it sounds crazy, but in the best way, they feel like exfoliating with the softest sandpaper. The gloves offer great coverage while cleansing and it’s very easy to alter the level of coarseness simply by adjusting your applied pressure. The standout feature of the gloves’ functionality are the thumb openings; they make maneuvering so much easier because imagine ya thumbs inna straight jacket… madness. The quality and design of the gloves are everything – neutral color, quality ribbing, plush terry cloth interior, seamless stitching, and they wash exceptionally well. My only hang up is that, because the gloves are lined with a terry cloth interior and hammam kessa, they’re extremely porous which results in extended drying time. To prevent partial drying after showering (and bacteria, ew!), I rinse out the residual lather under a hot stream, ring out the gloves, turn them inside out, and hang to dry until the next use. The only other small thing is that, if you get your nails done with gems / stones that tug / pull, they will get caught on the inner terry cloth. Oh, and, I wish it had a loop sewn on for hanging like other gloves I’ve used.

Coarseness – 6/10
Functionality – 7.5/10
Quality – 6/10
Design – 7/10
Value – 5/10

The TRULY PURE OIL Kessa Hammam Exfoliating Glove is a girl I must give credit. to. This is a no frill glove but she do what she does. While the coarseness is actually comparable to the Tawess Beauty Hammam Kessa Exfoliating Glove, the lack of the terry cloth interior is the one of a few distinguishing variables that that puts the TRULY PURE OIL Kessa Hammam Exfoliating Glove an inch behind. That being said, the coarseness can feel slightly more because there’s not the buffer of a plush layer. I still reeeally like the exfoliating power of the hammam kessa, but I do miss that terry cloth layer a bit. Functionality lacks because ain no thumb holes. The quality of this glove is where it gets sad. I have to replace these often because the seams are shit! The elastic bad detaches after two to three months. The design is simple–all black material and stitching, with a hanging loop. Overall, I think the glove could be better designed and of a higher quality, but it really does get the job done done!

While I don’t use any particular brand, I’ll occasionally use a standard exfoliating glove. They’re more than effective and more affordable singularly and in bulk. So, definitely don’t feel the need to break the bank but I do believe the mitts do an excellent job versus an above satisfactory one.

Using a pair (one on each hand) of either the above gloves, I work up a lather with either of the below cleansers to gently exfoliate while cleansing:

As mentioned in my WINTER FACE CARE post, I stumbled across Asantee Papaya and Honey Soap years ago in my search to remedy body hyperpigmentation and scarring. I’m gonna keep this spiel brief since I’ve laid it down already. This soap for my body, with the exfoliating mitts, has truly been a major player in the transformation of the texture and brightness of my skin. I’m often asked how I manage to maintain even skin tone, and I don’t. My knuckles, knees, and elbows are all more pigmented. My underarms and bikini area are prone to hyperpigmentation if I’m careless with my post-wax / shave routines. Wherever my ass starts to get fat or crease, it can look shadowy and dull at times. What I love about this soap is that it addresses and improves the overall appearance. I feel like many skin lightening products are formulated only to focus on lightening and not exfoliating and/or actually removing dead skin cells. It’s clear from Asantee Papaya and Honey Soap’s ingredients, that its purpose is exfoliation and brightening, rather than lightening. This is definitely my go-to powerhouse soap. I usually use it in the evening but I can definitely get away with using it twice daily without experiencing irritation. I would not recommend daily use if you’re a first time user nor would I recommend it post wax, at first. Start out using it once a week and inch your way up, if needed. It’s really that good that you may achieve your desired results with once weekly use. At your discretion and listen to your body, always!

I’m sure the Trader Joe's Tea Tree Tingle Body Wash is not a new name for many of yall on the health and beauty scene. This body wash has been gaining cult popularity, and rightfully so! The peppermint, tea tree, and eucalyptus botanicals definitely provide a spa-like in-shower experience with the tingling sensation. Though the tingling is noticeable, it’s not so much that it feels unbearable or uncomfortable. The herbal fragrance also opens up my sinuses and enlivens my mood; which is why I looove using it in the morning. The color and consistency of the wash is clear and gel-like, comparable to most body washes. I’ve found that, when using the Trader Joe's Tea Tree Tingle Body Wash, I can see a noticeable decrease in skin irritation such as thigh chafing, inflamed ingrowns, body acne, etc. Although the Asantee Papaya and Honey Soap is my go-to, daily body cleanser, the Trader Joe's Tea Tree Tingle Body Wash is my favorite, specifically, for summer time use for the cooling sensation and the first week post-waxing. The spotlight ingredients, tea tree, peppermint, eucalyptus botanicals are as powerful as gentle. This body wash will stay for the foreseeable future.

Arm & Hammer Essentials Ultra Replenishing Body Wash – Simply Fresh | Clear Water

My mom actually put me onto the Arm & Hammer Essentials Ultra Replenishing Body Wash years back when it was introduced as the official body wash of the family, lmfao! Since then, it has remained a staple in my archive of body washes. The only reason this body wash does not inch above the Trader Joe's Tea Tree Tingle Body Wash is that it lacks the herbal aroma. What I absolutely love about the formula is that it is dye-free, paraben-free, and vegan. It is not fragrance free, however, the fragrances are verrry faint. While it may not have the buzzworthy extracts and botanicals of some of the other products I use, it’s a wash I can always count on. I can use this body wash during summer or winter, whether my skin is dry or irritated, pre-wax or post-wax, etc. I know I am always going to feel thoroughly clean without any irritation or skin sensitivity. This body wash has a mild lather and leaves your skin feeling a bit slick, but not in a “filmy” or “soapy” way. My skin simply feels moisturized and replenished. I can’t say this is a body wash that’ll significantly improve your skin but it is worth mentioning because it’s not harsh, which is extremely important for the overall health of your skin. The body wash stands out, for me, because it is sensitive skin friendly as well moisturizing. Seeing that the Arm & Hammer Essentials Ultra Replenishing Body Wash is available at any of my local Dollar Tree stores, I keep at least five bottles in inventory at all times.

I added the Monistat Maintain Feminine Wash to my routine a few months ago and it is definitely worth adding to the pussy part of this post. The spotlight ingredient of the wash is boric acid. According to the University of Michigan Medicine, boric acid has mild antiseptic and antifungal actions. Vaginal boric acid is a homeopathic prescription medicine that also contains probiotics or "friendly bacteria", as well as the antioxidants Vitamin C and E. Boric acid works by replenishing normal vaginal acidity and balancing vaginal flora (helpful bacteria).

Prior to using the Monistat Maintain Feminine Wash, I avoided using soaps or cleansing tools (washcloths, gloves, etc. ) anywhere beyond my outer vaginal area (mons pubis.) I would simply use my hands and fingers to gently cleanse with warmer water. Although I haven’t had issues with odor or excessive discharge, I have missed using a cleanser during my period, mostly to feel as though I actually did something extra to cleanse. I will say, during my menstrual cycle, I use a clean washcloth cloth daily to cleanse. The truth is, cleansing with warm water is more than enough but, as a person with a vagina that bleeds, pees, and gets juicy, it’s nice to know that I am cleansing gently, safely, and thoroughly, while maintaining a healthy pH. I wish this would have dropped while I was pregnant because I was literally always wet or accidentally peeing on myself in the last trimester. So yes, the Monistat Maintain Feminine Wash will appear as a recurring lead this season.


3 — TONE

After cleansing and before getting out of the shower, I shake and wipe as much excess water off my body as possible. As seen in my WINTER FACE CARE post, once I’m out of the shower, I immediately spray Rosense Rosewater Spray all over my face and décolletage. I also use this spray after shaving and/or waxing. Not always, but as a treat a few times a week because the shit ain cheap, I’ll use this sparingly spray all over my body just because it adds a kiss of glamour to my routine.



After allowing the rosewater to absorb for a few moments, I apply either (only one) of the following only if I’ve shaved or gotten a brazilian wax within the last week to two weeks and/or to any areas where I may have body acne. If my skin or any area in particular is irritated or sensitive, I do not use these products:

I was first put onto PFB Vanish Ultra when I stopped getting waxed at the European Wax Center and began going to a local non-franchise wax center. I noticed the roll-on tubes behind the counter as I was paying one day, but I never went for it. Fast forward two years maybe and I saw a lil buzz about it on the SkinTwitterVerse and decided to bite. For preface, the PFB line includes PFB Vanish, PFB Vanish™ + Chromabright™, and PFB Vanish Ultra, in order of potency and efficacy, if you will. I implore you to read up on the formulation variations because I am not finna run allat down chile, but I will tap more into the PFB Vanish Ultra, since it’s my fave of the girlies. My first purchase was for the PFB Vanish™ + Chromabright™. Short version–I used twice daily a few times a weeks for about 2 months and I definitely saw a difference, but I was very well-versed on my skin by that point and knew that I could take it up a notch. If you’re reading this as a new friend (heeeey) in your skin care journey, I would start small with PFB Vanish. Feel it out. Don’t use it with other chemical exfoliants for a lil minute. Just test the waters. I started with PFB Vanish™ + Chromabright™ because I’m not new to the game but I’m also not stupid. A chemical burn is no fun and while I have not sustained one in my journey I have chemically over-exfoliated my face and trussssst me, it is not fun to address that discomfort and repair your moisture barrier…your hard work! So please, abeg, tek time. Anyway, I go for the PFB Vanish Ultra for my second purchase. Essentially, PFB Vanish Ultra is PFB Vanish™ + Chromabright™ plus “the lightening power of shiitake mushroom, white water lily flower, and plankton extract.” I must say, them adding that lil tea bag to the mix did sumn for my pussy. Pesky hyperpigmentation from ingrowns had vanished with two and a half months completely. I also wasn’t even having ingrowns anymore or thigh chafing. I honestly wasn’t having any skin issues upon adding this to my routine untiiil I started feeling myself too much and physically over-exfoliating the area. NO GO! I learned my lesson but since then, it’s been an ongoing love affair. The other woman is the new me. Truly, I love how it’s transformed the overall texture and tone. It's fun having a pornstar, camera ready cho cho.

Compared to PFB Vanish Ultra, Evagloss Razor Bumps Solution is definitely not as powerful, however, I like it because it’s also not as aggressive. The formulation offers more TLC than PFB. While I do use this for post-brazilian wax care, I regularly use it on my underarms, as a treatment for hormonal chest acne, and mild KP on my upper arms. The night after a brazilian wax, I use this and continue to use it for approximately a week before switching to PFB Vanish Ultra. I really like that it’s a roll-on solution that is formulated with gentle ingredients. I can definitely use this daily
without experiencing any adverse reactions, which is why I keep it around.


5 — GELS

After applying my toner and / or treatment, I move onto applying a gel-based product from neck to toe to bring hydration back to my skin after cleansing while nourishingly exfoliating.

I, fucking love this gel so so sooo much. The Some By Mi, AHA/BHA/PHA Real Cica 92% Cool Calming Soothing Gel is relatively new to my routine, however, it has become a comparably powerful alternative to my homemade body toner. This shit is the truth! I don’t even know where to begin. First of all, one of the ingredients is cica and yall know that’s a regenerative powerhouse that I’ve been loving in my skin routines. The cica really reeeally aids in quickly healing nicks from shaving, irritated ingrowns, and cuts, scrapes, and burns sustained from moving faster than I’m thinking.

What I love most about this gel is that it lives up to its name in the sense that it truly is calming and soothing. For the gel to include powerful exfoliating acids AHA, BHA, PHA, it feels as though I’m applying a faintly minty aloe vera gel. Although I use it daily, I especially appreciate this gel after shaving or waxing because it immediately combats irritation, redness, ingrowns, or otherwise. Because of the beautifully hydrating combination of hyaluronic acid and aloe vera, the Some By Mi, AHA/BHA/PHA Real Cica 92% Cool Calming Soothing Gel locks in moisture in this brick ass weather, not only for the entire day but, also into the next day. No bullshit, I cannot stress enough how using a gel-based product before applying a moisturizer has dramatically improved, enhanced, and did allat and more for my skin. I can also say I’ve seen a major improvement in the brightness and texture of my knee, elbows, and bikini area. Right now on iHerb it’s priced at $10.80 USD. I paid $12.12 the first few purchases and thought that was insane for a product with premium ingredients. Using code 22NEW at checkout, it’s $8.42 USD!

This was a recent Dollar Tree find and addition to my body care routine that has pleasantly surprised me as an alternative to some of the more expensive and/or powerful products I may favor. While shopping in Dollar Tree, as I perused the toiletries and cosmetics, “Antibacterial Skin Cream” immediately caught my eye because I know that while KP is not caused by bacteria, it can certainly become inflamed due to bacteria in the follicles. That’s usually when the bumps look raised and/or red. Due to perspiration, that can happen for many in the summer but, it often happens in the winter for that same reason when wearing so many layers. With that, I do like to incorporate antibacterial products. Aside from the nourishing combination of aloe vera, vitamins A, D, and E, the allantoin works nuanced wonders in countless ways. I have to give a nod to its hydrating power as well. I can usually tell if my skin is well hydrated if, at the end of the day before showering or the next morning after waking up, my body feels and looks supple–not just greasy, because I deflee do be glazed down after a shower–but supple, dewy, literally feels baby soft, and has a beautiful natural radiance. My homemade body toner gives that. Some By Mi, AHA/BHA/PHA Real Cica 92% Cool Calming Soothing Gel gives that. And, Modess Basics Antibacterial Skin Cream actually gives that. I’ve grown to really like this product as a strong alternative to the aforementioned products. At $1 a pop, I truly ain mad it. I actually wish I had purchased more than two tubes because I haven’t seen it since at my local Dollar but I know I’ll see it soon… I feel it.


6 — UREA*

I want to start by saying this step is optional simply because I have a love/hate relationship with Urea. It’s mostly love but I’ll get into that…

My dermatologist, Saurabh Lohda, MD, first prescribed Keralac (Urea 47%) Cream around 2019 when I had started working at the firm. It had been a few months and I began noticing during my body routines that my elbows were looking more pigmented and rougher, seemingly out of nowhere. It was less of an issue with appearance because I really do love my body regardless, however, the hydration and overall health lacked. It was not on brand and I had to address it quickly. During my appointment, Dr. Lohda mentioned that while hyperpigmentation of the elbows, knees, knuckles, etc. can be common amongst people of color (specifically of brown skin), it can become more noticeable overtime with constant rubbing or friction. When I thought about it, at work, I had been bearing my upper body weight on my desk while typing, for phone calls, and so on. It made perfect sense. I kid not–I immediately sent an email to the IT department requesting a satin-lined gel cushion arm rest and sure enough, it was in my office that next day.

As a dermatological remedy, Dr. Lohda prescribed Keralac (Urea 47%) Cream. I used it that night after moisturizing and I HATED IT OMGGG. The cream is like a chalky gel substance, it doesn’t really absorb, it dries sticky. It was just yuck! I didn’t understand it but I held out for a week of use. Fast forward to 2021, postpartum, literally only a few months ago. I revisited the cream because my sister, @ItsKrysToni put me on to mixing PurOrganica Urea 40% Cream (a cream I had purchased after using the Keralac (Urea 47%) Cream thinking it would be less gross) with shea butter to combat the chalkiness and stickiness. I still had the Keralac in the archives, so I decided to revisit it to get ahead of dryness brought on by the winter air. Now, there are actually two ways I’ve found that are helpful for application:
- Applying the Keralac after “toning” your body with gels and before moisturizer.
- Applying the Keralac after “toning”, with moisturizer.
Applying the Urea cream in either way to my elbows, knees, and feet has drastically changed the softness of each. I thought I was feeling myself lil self before but Urea has altered my retired dancer’s feet to baby soft pillows. Before using Urea, I was already on top of foot care but I’d still be nudging my pedicurist Wilson “nuh uhn.. put a lil extra work on that big toe, baby.” Now, Wils gotta be extra handsy and delicate-like with that pumice chile. The areas of my foot that would experience the most wear and tear from years of athletics, dancing in heels, cheer, commuting, heels at work, ah ah ah, within a surprisingly short period of time became super super soft to the touch with twice daily use. I can say the same for elbows and knees. While it does have an effect of lightening those areas, I’d say don’t expect hyperpigmentation to completely vanish. The areas appear brighter due to the softening properties of Urea. With any type of exfoliation, rough or calloused skin that you normally wouldn’t be able to remove, lessens over time. So basically I’m saying, it doesn’t target hyperpigmentation, it targets rough, dry skin, and its removal, which can help the appearance of the affected areas.

As previously mentioned, I purchased the PurOrganica Urea 40% Cream as a hopeful alternative to Keralac. This was before mixing the Urea with a moisturizer so I gave it to my sister and she reworked it. I’ve since repurchased it because Keralac was actually expensive as fuck, even with bomb insurance. So Ion know, check with your doctor, but I had to go to an NYC apothecary (SWEATAGAD!) to pick the Rx up and if I recall, it was like $47. Okay, ADHD had me in the first half but back to PurOrganica Urea 40% Cream. This cream works just as well as Keralac for a third of the price. If you take a look at the reviews, the first one is actually a one-star review just so they can get your attention over how great the cream is. I’d have to co-sign! When applying it in either of the ways mentioned above, I get nearly the same results as Keralac. I can say the Rx cream may have worked a little faster but not $47 fast. It competes with the Rx cream and it’s a much better value. Simple.

Urea is a step in my routine that is skin-altering to say the least. It’s just… sometimes I don’t be feelin like doing fittymillion steps, especially because I just still don’t like the texture of it. With mixing, it really doesn’t stay sticky though. I’ll reach for the creams a few nights a week, other weeks I’m not as consistent. I will say, the more consistent I am, the softer my skin feels. Ultimately, Urea is an ingredient I’ll overlook my hang ups for because the results faaar outweigh them.



After applying my gel-based products to my body, I allow them to absorb and dry fully by doing my entire face routine. After completing my face routine, I then apply either of the below moisturizers (balm, butter, cream, etc.) to lock in all that good good hydration.

I’ve been using Kuza 100% Pure African Shea Butter for years and years and yeeears on ,my body as is, in my homemade body butter, and even in some hair pomades and masks I may whip up here and there. I started using this raw shea butter in particular because I was able to get it at any local beauty supply store catering to black hair, it was affordably priced, and I would (and still do) purchase a 70-ounce tub that lasts me anywhere from eight months to a year and a half, honestly. I’ll admit, since having my daughter I’ve not gotten around to making my homemade body butter, however, I remain loyal to this shea butter even as a standalone product. As yall know, I love mixing products and because shea butter is so thick, I often mix it with a carrier oil (argan, vitamin e, avocado, pumpkin seed, whatever I have on hand or within arm’s reach) in the palm of my hands or A+D ointment–petroleum jelly even works wonders. When I say I have not been ashy a day in my life since using shea butter, I mean it. It’s like, not possible to be, especially after applying a gel-based product. While I can’t use shea butter everyday during the summer, these northeast winters definitely call for it and Miss Shea always answers. I choose to use yellow shea versus white shea butter butter due to its vitamin content and unaltered properties however, I cannot stand how the yellow can and will stain light colored fits–it washes out fine, but still. It’s also important to note that some experience irritation with yellow shea butter over white. I’m not qualified to affirm why but I assume due to its unrefined state. If you have a nut allergy, I’d stay away from it all together to be safe or do an allergy test. Just be safe, please!

Another new addition to my body routine, Equate Beauty Moisturizing Cream has truly stolen mah widdle heart. This moisturizer is a dupe of the CeraVe Moisturizing Cream. Like, if you know you know. Anyone who’s tried it, loves it. I am a major fan of Walmart’s Equate Beauty line because they do a phenomenal job of stealing formulations for the low low. Ima just say off rip, the ingredients are nearly the exact same (click the link, scroll down, and compare!) I buy the 16 ounce jar because I like to buy in bigger volume for body and face products that reliably put in work or can be used for soothing or moisturizing outside of my regular routine. CeraVe Moisturizing Cream is priced at $16.44 USD ($1.03/oz) and Equate Beauty Moisturizing Cream is priced at $9.98 USD (62¢/oz)--a $6 savings for the same product of a different label.

The beautiful pairing of ceramides and hyaluronic acid make the cream a hydrating, moisturizing powerhouse. It’s thick and creamy, but absolutely not greasy, filmy, or sticky. I use this alone or mixed with just a tinge of shea butter or A+D ointment for a slicker application, but it’s equally as great on its own! What I love most about this cream is that it absorbs completely but I can tell it’s also working to lock in moisture. My skin feels fed after using this cream.


8 - SPF

While I do use sunscreen on my face and body throughout the year, I have yet to find a body sunscreen that I can say I genuinely love. I’m still researching and I’m sure I’ll stumble across something soon but in the interim..

I reach for Trader Joe's Zinc Oxide Mineral Sunscreen Spray SPF 30 as my winter sunscreen. Ima just be upfront–I am not consistent in applying sunscreen during the winter months. In a month, I’ll probably remember to do so maaaybe 10 to 14 days. I'm working on it doe!

Trader Joseph’s purports the following statement about the sunscreen:
“Falling firmly into the category of “mineral” (aka “physical”) sunscreens, this is a zinc oxide-based formula that acts as a physical barrier between the sun’s potentially harmful UVA & UVB rays and your exposed skin. Unlike some zinc-based barriers that leave you looking ghostly, this one rubs in clear. It’s SPF 30, and it’s water resistant for up to 80 minutes. It’s also fragrance-free, and includes moisturizing, hydrating ingredients like aloe vera, grapefruit oil, and vitamin E.”

Now, all of the above I have found to be true except their claim that the sunscreen rubs in clear. It does not, which is why I use it in the winter mostly. It rubs in with some elbow grease and a strong arm on my skin tone, so it must not appear ghostly on their ghostly consumers. Anyway, I do like the Trader Joe's Zinc Oxide Mineral Sunscreen Spray SPF 30, but dassit. It is moisturizing. It does offer great UVA/UVB protection. They gotta do better with the formulation of zinc oxide for brown skint people. I deserve lifetime drinks at the Salty Spitoon rubbing this shit in. It’s a hydrating winter sunscreen. SPF is important. That’s why it’s included but I hope to find a better option soon.




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